Saturday, May 13, 2006

Too Fucking Funny

So Mark Fuhrman has written a book about the Kennedy assassination. Let me get this straight - the bungling detective whose, err, "contributions" to the shambolic prosecution of OJ Simpson led to a not guilty verdict is going to solve one of the greatest murder mysteries of all time?!? Yeah, right. Sure.

BTW, I also do wonder how having "documented racist" and "incompetant police officer" (I know, probably redundant!) as the highlights of your CV, can lead to becoming a media celebrity instead of being known as a pathetic loser?!? Oh, only in the right-wing dominated American media - and all this time you've been hearing about/thinking there was a liberal bias to the media?!? And why should I be surprised? This is nothing new. After all, convicted felons such as Oliver North and G. Gordon Liddy are also held up as heros and have been turned into media celebrities.

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