Sunday, November 19, 2006

Music I Liked And Didn't - 11/19/06

ISIS: In The Absence Of Truth CD (Ipecac) - Isis takes the next logical step in its ongoing sonic evolution. While they’re still pretty heavy sounding, the passages with thick, heavy riffage and throaty vocals are less present, serving more as a contrasting punctuation to the quieter passages which are composed of icy synth drones, angular guitar work and precise rhythms. Sometimes the transitions between these segments can be somewhat abrupt (almost bordering, in a sense, on being “proggy”), but overall, Isis successfully strikes a nice balance on this release. I’m not so certain that, if they continue to hone the more precise, sterile aspects of their sound, I’ll continue to greet their future releases with such favor, but the “math core” of, “In The Absence Of Truth”, is quite satisfying, especially after giving it repeated listens to really absorb it and let it sink in.

SAN UL LIM: 3 CD (World Psychedelia) - Reissue of the third San Ul Lim release, originally released in 1979 on the Korean label SRB. Another great dose of their over the top garage/pop-psych (but with a distinctive Asian flavor!) stylings. There’s a cool webpage (, if you’d like to learn more details about San Ul Lim.

Did Not Add -


Running Count For The Year

Adds 146/66%

Did Not Add 74/34%

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