Friday, April 21, 2006

Music I Liked And Didn't - 4/18/06 - 4/21/06


OM: Conference Of Birds CD (Holy Mountain) - Sophomore effort from these former members of the great Bay Area group, Sleep, continues to mine a similar vein to their debut - heavy stoner grooves combined with mystical lyrics. A little quiter and more developed, perhaps (especially the "Kosmische" inspired, "At Giza"), but still pretty satisfying.

VANDERMARK 5: Free Jazz Classics Vols. 3 & 4 2CD (Atavistic) - I must admit that I've never been that impressed with previous Vandermark 5 releases, but this one really blew me away. Two discs, both live. The first covering compositions by Sonny Rollins, the second covering Rahsaan Roland Kirk. The Rollins disc is close to brilliant from start to finish, with the highlights being, "Freedom Suite, Part 2" and the slamming version of, "East Broadway Rundown". The Kirk disc isn't quite as solid from start to finish, but still has its worthy moments.

Did Not Add

SWAGGER JACK: The Feral Blood of Swagger Jack CD (Last Visible Dog) - This CD of noisy, disjointed "pop" from this one-man NZ band failed to satisfy.

VERLAINE, TOM: Around CD (Thrill Jockey) - Try as I might, I just couldn't get into this original Punk hero's latest solo release of introspective instrumental guitar minatures.

On Deck

Major Stars, Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, and more!

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